Leading the way through

Efficient and Diligent

Management Consulting Services.

Diverse Perspective.

Mindpro Consultants is an innovative woman- and minority-owned managed services firm. We offer cost-competitive, end-to-end marketing, administrative, general and project management consulting services as well as technical web and app development solutions to both government and private partners. Our company’s mission is straightforward: provide expert strategy, create operational efficiency, and drive business continuity.

We Solve Real Problems

what can we do for you?

Management Consulting

Operational Improvements.
Training and Development.
Planning and Execution.

IT + Software Solutions

Software Selection.
Implementation and Configuration.

Strategy Consulting

Process Analysis.
Performance Improvement.

Project Management

Scope Development.
Risk Management.
Budget Management.

Web + App Development

Front and Backend.
IOS and Android.
UI/UX Design.

Marketing Consulting

Integrated Marketing.
Graphic Design.

Complex Problems Meet Compound Solutions

Let Us Build Your Strategic Blueprint.

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